Assalammualaikum, salam ukhuwah. Thanks for viewing my blog :)

Sunday 29 April 2012

Sahabat till Jannah. Promise me :)

Assalammualaikum wbt
Hai guys, simple post.
Because I am in rush now.
I just wanna share about my friends.

Frriend. Sahabat. Teman. Kawan.

They're the one who always stay by our side.
Happy and sorrow.
Me too. I have my very best friends. Many, a lot.
They're are my school mates. Batch 1995 SMKAKK.
We've been together since we're in Form 1, 2008.
Please pray for our najjah this year.
We're gonna sit our SPM this year.
Insyaallah, semua straight A's
I do love you all 

“Teman yang paling baik adalah apabila kamu melihat wajahnya, kamu teringat akan Allah, mendengar kata-katanya menambahkan ilmu agama, melihat gerak-gerinya teringat mati.”

“Sebaik baik sahabat di sisi Allah ialah orang yang terbaik terhadap temannya dan sebaik baik jiran disisi Allah ialah orang yang terbaik terhadap jirannya” (H.R al-Hakim)

Can't explain by typing

Saturday 28 April 2012

Blessing in disguise

Assalammualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh

*uhuk uhuk

Hai everybody, how are you all? Harap-harap sihat la selalu ya :)
Ok let's we start. Mahu share apa arh?

Ohh ya,


emmm responds?

Alhamdulillah, segalanya Allah permudahkan. Kinda busy this whole week.
Last minute punya sebab kan, nahh itu lah Mai. Tapi, ok la juga sebab subjek untuk first week
tidak juga tough sangat. 

First day was Malay Language paper. Ohh i don't know how to describe about the paper. Quit hard. A little bit. Buka-buka jak paper one semua orang start geleng-geleng, blur-blur tengok paper. You know why?
Kejutan budaya kot paper Bahasa Melayu suddenly susah. Mana tidaknya soalan objektif pun sudah susah apa lagi paper karangan nanti. And yahh, memang betul paper two Bahasa Melayu lagi susah. 

What is it?
Nahh, itulah tajuk karangan rumusan kami. Rancangan Malaysia ke-9. Have any idea?
Bagus lah kalau korang ada, Mai betul-betul lack of idea ohh time tu. Segala-gala idea masuk mencurah-curah. Haihh -.- harap-haraplah something miracle happen.  Tulah Mai, underestimate sangat kan dengan subjek ini. Nampak saja senang, tapi susah mahu dapat A+ tuuuuu.
Beware next time!

Day two,
Chemistry subject
Thanks to Allah, nampaknya soalan kali ini dapat jawab dengan mudah berbanding dulu.
Ya, sehari sebelum paper tu Mai dah berhempas-pulas study. Semua kawan-kawan jadi tempat rujukan Mai. Roomates, classmates and semua lah termasuk cikgu. Hehe, actually a lot of things and topic yang Mai tak kuasai lagi Chemistry ini. That's why la Mai betul-betul mau belajar subject ni. Even chemical equation pun Mai masih pening-pening lagi. Mahu ingat cation and anion pun belum pass. Err, kalau mahu tahu apa tu cation anion pergi beli reference book Chemistry. 

Day three,
Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah (1) and Mathematics
Whoaaaa! *excited
PSI , :)
Memang dinanti, semangat jawab paper ini. Ok so far alhamdulillah. Allah permudahkan semuanya,
dapat jawab dengan baik. Insyaallah, A+ lagi summative ini.

and Mathematics pula. Kinda worst! =='
Seriously time jawab paper tu Mai siap nangis-nangis lagi. Entah la, before this semua soalan tu 
dapat jawab pula. Time terima paper tu blank la pula. Section B ada yang sempat buat.
Memang pasrah habis sudah, harap-harap lah paper one dapat cover subject ni. Berharap sangat ni!

Day four,
Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah (2) and Pendidikan Al-Quran & As-Sunnah, English (1)
Great combination kan?
Subject agama memanjang, then suddenly English paper appear. Suppose that English paper one tu kami ambil the next day, tapi ada event so kitorang semua terpaksa ambil jak la paper tu sebelah petang.
PQS alhamdulillah so far ok. *i guess la. Sebab tidak semua topik form four sudah kuasai. Ada certain lagi.
Hmmm, ok next English. Ok best karangan kali ini. Cuba teka apa tajuk kali ni?



see that,
yes, actually kami kena bagi soalan suruh reply surat kawan. Bagi reason why he suppose to continue his plans to further study to oversea. Jadi, Mai apa lagi dengan semangat yang berkobar-kobar and idea yang mencurah-curah terus buat karangan tu. Senang sebab benda tu suda banyak kali Mai buat. Even when I boost myself. Hampir 2 muka surat lebih. Insyaallah boleh score kali ni. 

Last day,
English (2)
Oleh kerana hari last for that week, Mai dah usaha baik-baik malam tu. Read all the books, hand notes, and everything about litereature. The novel, i mean THE CURSE I didn't master at all. So, pagi sebelum pergi sekolah tu diorang kawan-kawan cakap maybe keluar theme. So, Mai apa lagi tanpa buang masa terus 
hafal theme novel tu. Campur baur sudah segala theme entah apa-apa. Tapi time tengok soalan dia minta one important theme sahaja. Then, Mai pilih theme LOVE. Sebab memang itu seja yang Mai boleh bagi evidence yang konkrit sikit.

Then, lepas habis jawab paper around 9.00am kitorang semua kelas exam bergerak ke dewan.
Ada kenduri kesyukuran untuk Ustazah Andi especially for her Wazan Board.
Tahniah ustazah, semoga usaha ustazah sentiasa diberkati. And congratulations juga untuk semua
kebitaraan SMKAKK sesi 2012. You all so cool! 
Bahas Ala Parmilen,Pesta Pantun, Drama Competition, Wazan Board
and semua-semua lah ( sorry tidak termention di sini )
Semoga terus maju jaya!


Well, this week suppose I am going back. Tapi, sengaja tidak mahu pulang. Sebab next week semuanya killer subject. Add Math, History, Physics, Arabic, Biology (last day). Memang tidak boleh fokus kalau di rumah. Banyak godaan. *sigh
So, ini saja lah cara terbaik supaya boleh study. Lagipun memang ramai juga roomate yang tidak pulang kan. Jadi ada juga kawan study sama-sama.

Tapi kan, entah la kenapa hujung minggu ni Mai rasa lemah sangat. I don't know why. I feel exhausted, tired.
Everything are not fine. Berterabur segala kerja. Yah, i'm tension.
Allah please help me. Where is my spirit? Why I feel so weak? Why this tears falling down?
I just can't stand with this. Ini kah ujian mu untukku Ya Allah? I have no strength to handle this thing.
I just start to feel despair in this path! I can't face all those book anymore. Bila tengok semua buku-buku tu rasa macam mahu muntah sudah. Muak, putus asa. Semua ada. It's turn to be hell!

I am totally weak Ya Allah, do help me.
Don't take my spirit, I want to struggle hard this time.
I want to success for the sake of you, Ya Allah
For my ummi, abah, family, teacher and for your true Deen, Islam 

Mai, wake up!
Jangan nangis-nangis lagi, lepaskan lah semua sakit hati and tension tu.
Allah baru uji sikit tu Mai, Allah baru uji dengan SPM ni.
Allah belum uji lagi dengan ujian dakwah
macam zaman Rasulullah dulu, rasulullah lagi payah, susah and pahit jalan dakwahnya
rasulullah sampai sakit satu badan sebab, diuji, dihina, dicaci time berdakwah
but see, Islam sampai ke tempat kita and kita rasa hingga hari ini kan?
Kalau bukan sebab rasulullah, mustahil untuk kita rasa nikmat iman dan islam macam sekarang ni
tapi, Islam dia lah manusia terhebat yang Allah cipta untuk tanggung semua perit jerih kepayahan tu
tengok betapa sabarnya rasulullah Mai 


Ingat, semua orang kena uji. In our daily life, we can't escape from facing the many twists and tribulations life has to offer. We often hear the saying, "Life is a test". Very true. Sangat-sangat betul. It's a test of patience and imaan. Look around you. The world is coloured with numerous people from all walks of life. Rich and poor. Happy and miserable. Some of us tend to be boastful and achieve happiness in life by showing off our status and wealth. We feel proud because we are more fortunate than others. But do we realize that we are actually swimming in something that doesn't really belongs to us?
Sedar kah tidak Mai?

Look at the spectacular blue sky.

Don't you find yourself as a very small and weak organism? Sometimes we are too proud and arrogant of all the wealth, intelligence and status we are granted with. Now let us reflect, will it be permanent?

Compare all you have with what Allah has to offer. How little.
Kecil and teramat kecil.

Again, look at the sky.
How lovely Allah has created it. It is placed atop as if  it is flying. It stays up there and does not fall down on us as assumed in the movie "Chicken Little". The magnificent blue sky has never been arrogant with its beauty or its greatness. The sky obey each and every commandment of Allah. When Allah wants it to be dim, it never disobeys. But us humans? By only being tested with wealth, property, beauty and ranks, we somehow automatically forget that we are just weak beings and everything will not last. Everything belongs to ALLAH. One day, we will surely DIE. And none of these blessings will be taken along with us then.

Let's ponder upon our past. At some point of our lives, we often get jealous with the richness and ease of others. We envy the achievements of other. We get frustrated and ask, "why me, Allah?", "why not him/her?". Have we forgotten His promise?


The life of this world is but play and amusement: and if ye believe and guard against evil, He will grant you your recompense, and will not ask you (to give up) your possessions. 

(Surah Muhammad : Verse 36)

Why aren't we grateful after all He has given us? Is it not enough? Look at those who are inferior than you, not those of the superior. Look at the golden sun. Eventhough it is the biggest star in the universe, it still obeys Allah. When Allah wants it to come out an bless the world with warmth and light, it follows  what is ordered. But when Allah wants it to go away, it will set with obedience.

Be thankful.
I would like to invite both you and I to always think and ponder upon the lives of those who are inferior than us.

We can still breathe, while some others are struggling for another breath at the verge of Sakratul Maut (death)

We can still walk, while some others have no feet. Yet, we always find excuses to walk towards Allah's house, the Masjid.

We have eyes, while some others are tested by blindness since born. Yet, they tend to be more grateful than us and they constantly remember Allah through dzikir, while we forget Allah by looking at what is prohibited.

We often forget who we are and what is our purpose of living. Take full advantage of life. Live it to the fullest. Benefit yourself for the hereafter. Our duty is to serve Allah. Use the wealth and position granted to us to invite our fellow friends towards jannah.

Look at the world with the eyes of your heart. You'll find that the world is nothing. But the hereafter is something. In fact, it is everything! It is permanent. Work for akhirah with all your strength and to the upmost capacity. Allah values more on quality rather than quantity.

Terima kasih Ya Allah









Sunday 22 April 2012


Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Happy sunday for all readers ( err, ada ka juga orang baca blog kau ni Mai? ) haha, tak kisah lah.

Ok today, maybe the last post.



well, guys today i'm going back to my hostel. And tomorrow i'll be sitting for the SUMMATIVE EXAM.
Wuarghhh ==' , preparation belum cukup lagi. Habis la hempas pulas dekat asrama ni nanti. Hewhew -.-

Do pray for me yahh?

ok now let's story about 


What's the meaning by IMMORTAL? ok pergi cari kamus cepat-cepat. Tak pun guna BESTA ka. hehe.
ok gurau, according to dictionary or whatever la kan perkataan tu membawa maksud 'abadi'.

Ok, mesti korang tertanya-tanya apa yang abadi kan? 
Saya mahu hidup abadi? ohh no no no , my life and my every breath just for Allah.

Allah berhak tarik nyawa Mai ni bila2 masa seja dia mahu. Even sekarang pun dia boleh tarik kan? Subhanallah. Sebenarnya IMMORTAL yang Mai maksudkan tu lebih kepada semangat yang ada kat dalam diri ni.

Puzzle in your minds? ohoho Actually, semangat nak bantu agama Allah, semangat mahu tunjukkan kepada 1 dunia yang produk Islam lagi hebat dari orang lain. Dalam kata lain, Mai mahu tunjukkan kejayaan orang-orang Islam dekat 1 dunia. Dalam konteks Mai sekarang SPM la kan?

semua orang ( maybe ) mungkin dah tau kan yang Mai
mahu pursue study pergi oversea. Perhaps, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia or whatever.
Mana-mana pun Mai pergi semuanya dalam rancangan Allah.
Insyaallah, I will struggle hard for this.

 That's why la Mai, start dari sekarang belajar la betul-betul.
Jangan nanti bila dah failed baru mahu menyesal.
Peluang cuma datang sekali saja kan?
Mahu pergi UK atau tidak?
Of course mahu kan, it's one of your tops desire!
Mahu discover something new kan? So, kalau mahu semua-semua tu tak kan goyang kaki
tanpa usaha ka?
And one more things, kalau mahu pergi overseas mesti ada scholarship and maybe the cost
around half thousand. HALF THOUSAND, Mai.
Do you have that much in your account? Even kalau abah dengan ummi tolong pun
belum tebtu lagi dapat tampung perbelanjaan tu. Kos hidup kat sana bukannya murah Mai. That's why
you really really need that scholarships.

And one more thing yang Mai perlu ingat, kerajaan tak kan bagi scholarship ni randomly. Dorang akan
choose the best among the best. So, are you? *sigh sedar diri juga kan? The best suda ka Mai ni?

Even orang yang dapat straight A pun belum tentu boleh dapat scholarship tu.
So that's why la Mai mesti jadi yang berkualiti. Kalau boleh kasi A++++++ lagi tu result.
Bukan kalau boleh, YOU MUST !

So, take action lah! Jangan lagi main-main. This is your last chance la Mai.
Jangan hampakan harapan orang-orang yang sayang Mai.

Come on la Mai, wake up!
Allah tak suka hambanya yang malas. Be proactive lah!
Ummi, abah, atok, nenek, makcik, adik-adik and semualah mahu tengok Mai
study overseas kan?
Mahu tengok Mai jadi dentist yang berjaya.
So, tak worth la Mai kalau tak ambil kisah sal hal ni.
Banggakan parents Mai dengan result next year. Mesti gempaqq punya, INSYAALLAH!


Tiada alasan untuk berjaya!
Apa yang Mai tak cukup? Semua Mai ada kan? 
Money, stuff, family and everything kan?
so, apa lagi alasan untuk Mai tak boleh berjaya?
Sedangkan orang yang cacat tak cukup pancaindera, tak cukup keperluan, tak cukup duit apa semua
pun boleh berjaya?

And why not you?
Yang cukup serba serbi, tak cacat, berkemampuan, sekolah pun di tempat yang memang best,
ada guru-guru yang proaktif, ada kawan-kawan yang supportive. So, apa lagi alasan???
Tiada kan? Nehhh, jangan melepas Mai. Peluang sekali sahaja seumur hidup,

And SPM pun sekali sahaja sepanjang hidup ni.


dapat kan straight A plus, get the scholarship, pergi UK!
ambil ilmu dari sana, tengok macamana orang kat sana belajar, tengok
ciptaan Allah kat dunia luar. You don't want that?


Ok, kalau mahu. Stop semua behaviour yang tak bagus, elakkan dari terpengaruh
dengan benda-benda yang tak baik, kurangkan benda-benda yang sia-sia, jangan suka buang masa.
Use it wisely! Masa yang pergi takkan kembali. 

My assumption:


that's my promise! Insyaallah.

 And paling penting kalau mahu berjaya ni
Utamakan urusan Allah terlebih dahulu.
Solatawal waktu, turun surau, banyak-banyak baca Al-Quran sebab Mai jarang bangun Qiam kan?
so, amalan-amalan sunat macam solat sunat, baca Al-Quran tu lah yang akan tampung amalan dan kebaikan Mai selama ni. Tapi, Mai usahakan untuk bangun Qiam. Masa itu lah Mai paling dekat dengan Allah.
Allah kan suka perkara yang jarang dibuat oleh manusia. So, biar lah Mai jadi antara orang-orang tersebut.

Biarlah penat sekarang, biarlah tak cukup tidur sekarang, biarlah suffer sekarang.
Allah akan alert dengan semua usaha-usaha kita. So, segala kesusahan kita tu lah yang akan kita
claim untuk capai kejayaan dunia wal akhirah.


And satu lagi yang paling penting
jaga hubungan dengan Allah and manusia.
First, jaga hubungan dengan parents and whole family.
Jangan suka ignore apa yang dorang cakap, sebab redha Allah tu kan terletak pada redha ibu bapa.
Kalau parents tak redha susahlah mahu dapat kejayaan. So, jadi anak yang baik, ok Mai?
Good girl!
Sorry ummi and abah, ika selalu tak dengar cakap. Di suruh belajar tapi online seja. I'm so sorry :/

Next, jaga hubungan dengan guru-guru. Hmmm, minta maaf dengan semua guru
even pernah or tak pernah buat salah just minta maaf. Kita tak tahu kan isi hati orang lain, mana tahu
ada guru-guru yang terasa kita tak tahu kan?
So, cikgu-cikgu Mai minta maaf ar kalau ada silap salah. Halalkan tau semua ilmu yang cikgu ajar.
Maaf ya cikgu kalau ada kata-kata yang mengguris hati and maaf juga kalau ada homework
yang tidak complete.

Next, jaga hubungan dengan kawan-kawan. Especially semua batch 1995 yang Mai dah kenal sejak form 1
lagi. Asif semua silap salah. Kekadang Mai ni ada buat salah juga kan.
Nobody's perfect, that's why Mai perlukan nasihat and sokongan korang. Thanks juga atas semua
pertolongan dan motivate selama ni.
I'll apprieciate it.

And the rest siapa yang kenal Mai, maafkan la ehh?
Terutamanya adik-adik junior dekat SMKAKK.
Even sometimes kakak ni tak boleh jadi contoh yang terbaik kan?
Tapi, korang pandai-pandai lah nilai.
ambik yang baik, buang yang buruk.
doakan akak tauu ;)

Ya Allah, hamba-hambaMu ini memohon. Terimalah titipan bingkisan madah-madah permintaan daripada hamba-hamba-Mu yang hina ini. Dengan rendah hatinya kami meminta, agar Engkau jauhi kami daripada diturunkan malapetaka berbentuk keputusan yang tidak kami ingini. Berikanlah kejayaan di dalam SPM kami ini. Dengan itu, kami dapat membantu agama mu Ya Allah. Mampu menaikkan kembali nama Islam. Janganlah Engkau jadikan keputusan SPM kami nanti ini sebagai pembalasan kerana dosa-dosa kami, sebaliknya jadikanlah ia anugerah keatas amalan-amalan kami. Kami hanya mampu meminta, memohon dan terus berdoa. Sekiranya Engkau memakbulkan doa kami, maka jauhkanlah kami dari sifat riak, ujub dan takbur. Dan jadikanlah kami hamba-hamba yang bersyukur. Namun ya Rabb, seandainya bukan rezeki kami untuk mendapat apa yang kami pinta itu, Engkau tabahkanlah hati-hati kami, Engkau berilah kekuatan dan kesabaran untuk kami redha keatasnya. Sesungguhnya, Engkaulah jua sebaik-baik perancang.

aminn ya rabbal alamin. Makbulkan ya Allah :')


fuhh, memang ketakutan tebal menyelubungi diri. 
Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan dan jalan ku untuk menggapai redha nya.
Aminn :)

that's all.
Take care all
Assalamualaikum :)

Saturday 21 April 2012

Happy Birthday girl :)

Assalammualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Today's post is dedicated to my special bestfriend named


actually , i've made this post early before her date of birthday which is 27 APRIL actually. I'm sorry, it is because maybe I will
not going back to home on your birthaday. We'll struggle hard
for our Sumatif examination on that weeks.

So, that why I make this video to wish you. I have no presents for you. Just this video will say everything about my heart whisper towards you. I just want to thanks you for EVERYTHING.

Five years already past, we have through a lot of time.
we have make a best memories that can't be fading.
I will remember all the moments that we have share together.
Thanks a lot for your help, the 'ilmu' that we share together
the food (HAHAHAHA) and all the stuff that you have give to me.

I probably apprieciate it.

Forgive for all my mistakes towards you. Maafkan ehh *mata blink2
Here I just want you to know that,
I never regret to be a part of your life. So are you?
I just hope that this friendship never ends, satu hari nanti kalau kita dah berjaya sama-sama jangan lupakan aku k?
Kalau satu hari nanti aku dah jauh dari landasan Allah tarik aku cepat2 tau. I really wanna be together with you in this 'dunia wa akhirah'. Kalau kita dah pergi oversea, we will totally seperate between East and West. You will study at Jordan and I will pursue my study to United Kingdom. Two different world, right?

It is far apart. Toooooooo far!
But, it's not a reason for us to end this friendship kan?
You have tell me before that we will success together, right?
I hope Allah will hear your words.

Ok, here I have make a video for you. Just special for you.
I have nothing to give you. Bet you if just I can give you the value things in my life, I will give you my heart.
But if I give you, there's no more friendship love between us.
I hope that this video will enough for you to know how much I love you.

Thank you 


Before you play this video, please pause the background song first at the bottom of this blog. If not, you will not hear
the voice of this person on the video. Please use your handsfree or beats if the voice still not clear.

 Thanks! Enjoy it :)

sorry for the low quality, i'm using my BB.

Sunday 8 April 2012

NO !


Ahaks ! yahh, silly statement above. But I'm serious! Wohooo, I will single mingle triangle this whole year :) don't ask me why. Everybody keep asking me. "Mai, why you end your relationship with him?" uhuk uhuk. 2 years i've heard the same question from the people around me. And another words yang bikin panas from the unknown people is "Mai, tak payah nak tunjuk alim sangat lah. Tak couple tak semestinya baik" . pheww -.- since when i've admit myself "alim" ? hello, excuse me you wrong! I've made this decision because my big aim now is my upcoming battle Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia! Ohh ya la, I know yang I tak la sepandai korang. That's why I sedar diri yang I'm not good enough compare to you. That's why ALLAH sedarkan I supaya belajar! Bukan mau tunjuk "alim". Ok here, you know that i have being brainwash by the people that care about me which is my family especially abah and ummi, my teachers, and my friends. I still can remember what my abah says to me.

Abah says,
"Eqa, tahun ni eqa SPM. Eqa anak abah yg pertama Insyaallah akan masuk universiti. Study betul2. SPM ni cuma datang sekali, penentu masa depan, penentu kerjaya suatu hari nanti. Abah tak mau apa2 dari eqa selain dari kejayaan. Fikir betul2, study and usaha la sungguh2. Jangan menyesal di akhir nanti. Hal cinta tolak tepi dulu, nanti di Universiti jumpa juga tu."

hmm, touching sikit. And next is what my teachers say to me. Upps salah, not me saja. All my friends at the class also.

My teachers says,
"Student, this is the last chance for you to prove to your family and people around you that you can succes this time. Forget about your PMR, it's only the starting. Spm ni yg betul2 kena shoot sehabis baik. Stop2 lah main tu, let's you suffer this one year saja lagi. For those who have girlfriend or boyfriend please think about it again. Do you think that your couple can help your future? lagipun, susah berkat tu mau dtg nanti."

see that, everybody knows that love will disturb us. I tak ckp salah bercinta, you can but maybe
not this time. Be positive lah, I bukan nak blame orang yang bercouple. Even I pun pernah couple ok? But this is my opinion, this time I can't stand with two commitment in one time. I can balance it, it's myself. If I lebihkan cinta dari study i gonna drop my result, so rugi lah guys. My boyfriend will not help my future, he never help me if my SPM failed. He will never answer my question paper during SPM. So, it's not worth la katakan. My parents can give everything I want, but I'm not serious in my study. Itu kejam namanya, tak berbaloi la apa yg I deserve selama ni. My teachers berabis push suruh study tapi I main2, bagus tak payah sekolah kan? 

So here I want to tell that,


biar berjaya dulu sama2. Be the best student. Enter the university. Achieve our dreams. Have our own carrier. Build our own empire. Be the one who will give benefits to others.
After that, tawakkal kepada ALLAH. His the best planner, ADA JODOH TAK KE MANA (pinjam ayat kau jita). Now you know right?

Lastly, I want to express my principe

" Kejar si cita-cita datang si cinta, kejar si cinta hilang si cita-cita"

so, you choose.

Jannah or Jahannam?

All the powers is in your hands.

That's all for now, Assalammualaikum :)

Get Inspired! and the promise

Assalammualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Peace be upon you
Heloo readers !

We meet again. Emm yah, may be this is the last post for this time. After this, I will heading to my madrasah SMK Agama Kota Kinabalu. Fuhh ==' ok, i need to set my mind that i need to work hard after this.
Well, have you see my title above? Hmm, what inspired and what promise? Ok, this is what i want to write. Last night, i've think a lot. Tension la juga, think about future, about study, about friends and more else.
I know this study lifetime quite hard for me, and maybe all teenagers who will seat the SPM this year also feel the same way like me. I get stressed, i feel down, i want to cry. Yeah, I'm not weak, I just can't stand sometimes. But when I think about the people that I love, tak sampai hati mau putus tengah jalan. It's not proaktive! I want to be a productive muslims! Mai, you need to realize that nobody's in this world yang Allah bagi ujian and kita boleh happy2. Face it! You gonna win, tell the problems how big your Creator is.
I have you Allah to be my inspiration. I have my parents that always keep support me for whatever I do.
I have my friends who always being there for me. And the most important is I have myself that will deserve everything for i've done before.

i will get this. i promise!

It's enough for me who had ALLAH, my umi, my abah,family and friends that will be my inspiration.

Here's I want to promise myself that :

1- I will study hard for my SPM
2- No more social life ( sicial stuff ) i need to avoid this
3- Less texting
4- Pray hard, recite the quran
5- No DISCIPLINE problems

Insyaallah, I will make it !


This is my honest opinion. Bagi saya, pengantin pakai macam gambar atas ni lagi cantik daripada pengantin yang pakai mekap tebal, bulu mata palsu, baju ketat, tudung singkat, tabarruj sini sana segala bagai. 

Yeah, old folks say, "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder". But true beauty lies in the heart of the beholder. This is because our eyes can tell lies. Why are we 'prohibited' to "judge a book by its cover"? Hey look. A dull, lame book cover does not tell a story. It might give a negative impression though, but it would be a massive shame if we miss out a great story it possibly might have, right? I'll give you another analogy.

Remember those times when you get loads of presents for your birthday? Some of those presents might have remarkably beautiful wrapping paper covering it, but (sometimes) when you open the present, all you get is disappointment for expecting something more than what is rewarded. Other times, you get presents wrapped in cheap wrapping paper, but you become all hysteric the first time you see what was inside.

The same goes with beauty. Rasulullah portrayed beauty in his character, making people around him then and now to love his presence on earth. He loved his followers regardless on their appearances. So why should we be so prejudice when it comes to judging someones appearances and crossing out what matters most, which is the practice of virtuemorality and manners?

Just because some believing muslimah wears hijab lowered down their chest, don't wear make up outside, wear jubah-jubah (abaya), don't do pre-marital marriage whatsoever, doesn't make them "makcikmakcik" or people of prehistory. Instead it highers their ranks and makes them among the most beautiful women on earth!

Afterall, "beauty is only skin deep" and 

"Beauty without virtue is like a rose without scent."

oktamat kelas bahasa inggeris madam mai sekian, boleh keluaq rehat. bai anak murid.